Stories Overview

Mentee Consultation

Trailblazers recently consulted with young men from each Project to ask about their experience of mentoring and to help direct us in how we develop our services. Below are some findings:

Key priorities on release:

The top three areas identified by the men were Housing (top priority), followed by work, education and training. There were also a range of other areas identified by some men including mental health and practical supports such as getting ID and opening bank accounts.

Two areas Trailblazers hopes to develop over the coming year are community hubs and also to establish ways men can stay involved with the organization after they have finished mentoring. We thought it was important before moving forward with these areas, to ask the men if this was something they wanted.

Community hubs:

80% of the men consulted with, said they would use a community hub and were very keen on the idea. When asked what they would use the hub for, the areas below were identified:


Staying involved:

82% of men said they were keen to stay connected and involved with Trailblazers after they had finished mentoring – some areas men have been involved to date have been would be helping with volunteer recruitment and training, sharing their story on social media and being an ambassador for the organization. This an area that will be developed further this year.

Of the men consulted, 92% had engaged with a mentor and almost 50% of them had a mentoring relationship of 12months or longer. Overwhelming, the reason the men gave for engaging and continuing to meet with their mentor was due to the personal qualities of the mentor.