Corporate Partners

Trailblazers works in partnership with others to achieve our mission of stopping reoffending for good. As a small charity, there is much to be gained from working collaboratively to help more people achieve the best outcomes.

We greatly appreciate our current partners and supporters and the value they add

Severn Trent

Severn Trent is providing up to 20 mentors a year in 2023 & 2024. In conjunction with Trailblazers, they are delivering employability workshops in prisons in the Midlands to encourage and support prison-leavers into work post-release.


Brighter Teaching

Brighter Teaching provides counselling services to Traiblazers mentees in custody to enhance wellbeing and mental health.


Sustainable Tech 4 Good

Sustainable Tech 4 Good provides data-secure solutions for surplus tech from business, repairing and refurbishing for sustainable reuse to increase digital inclusion and reduce negative impacts on our environment.  They provide affordable phones, laptops and tablets to Trailblazers, which we issue to mentees so that they can keep connected with family, attend remote appointments, complete job applications, build digital skills and undertake education and training courses – increasing their independence and helping them reconnect after release from prison


Finding Rhythms

Funding Rhythms – using music as a catalyst to empower people to improve their lives.  Trailblazers is providing mentors to support participants undertaking the ‘Making Waves programme.



SuitsMe provides critical banking services for mentees – allowing accounts to be set up by staff pre-release.


Bridge Recruitment

Based in London, Bridge Recruitment provides tailored support through CV writing, interview preparation, and other help to remove barriers to employment for mentees pre- and post-release from HMP Brixton and HMPYOI ISIS.


We appreciate the ongoing support from our funders, who include:

We are always open to hearing from organisations who support our mission, and who are interested in working together. Find out how your company can get involved with Trailblazers.

Prison administrators: if you would like to learn more or to discuss Trailblazers’ services for your facility, please email us at